miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017



Dome is an ADS-B air traffic surveillance system that assists with air traffic management by supplementing radar coverage and providing better quality air traffic services (ATS). The airdome components are modular and prefabricated which makes the installation process easy, quick, and cost-effective. The actual schedule depends on the air dome size and specifications.

Airdome Inflatable Tents. Cubierta AIRDÔME es un lucernario puntual, permite su adaptación a todo tipo de zócalos existentes (acero, hormigón, ect.).


A statement that commands attention, projects authority, and helps you position your company in the event spotlight – the place where everyone naturally gravitates to, and no one can leave without first visiting. We produce an average of one dome per week.

We are the only air dome company to have a perfect safety record. DUOL Air Supported Structures represent innovative objects implemented with high quality materials and latest technology. Always cost effective! Short investment cycle and lengthy durability assure high profitability.

Consejo para utilizar el aireador de raíces AirDome de Autopot. Para maximizar la eficacia del AirDome es imprescindible utilizar una mezcla esponjosa o porosa como sustrato. Al hacer clic en ACEPTAR o continuar navegando en la página, estás aceptando nuestro uso de cookies.

Si va a implementas los AirDome en sistemas grandes, utilice bombas de mayor envergadura que le permitan conectar una tubería (Manguera estándar) de 16mm. Haga lo mismo respecto a su suministro de agua, reduciendo el diámetro de la tubería a 6mm en los puntos de conexión con cada AirDome con las piezas de enlace de AutoPot.

Aumenta el rendimiento hasta un 130%. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para ofrecerte nuestros servicios y mejorar tu experiencia en nuestra tienda.

Descubra el origen y el significado de decenas de miles de apellidos. You can reduce your energy cost to 50%. The AirDome has been designed to increase the amount of air around the root zone in the pot. Air Dome ENERGY EFFICIENCY.


An airdome, also known as an airshiel was the oxygen field that surrounded the Galactic Empire wreckage-prison Accresker Jail. When the prison was engaging in battle, the airdome would be extended so the Accresker Penal Legion could fight in a larger area. After the combat scenario had ende the airdome would retract to its regular perimeter.

AirDome Technology Normally climate halls are all built using steel and metal sheet whichin size limitation, safety issues with supporting poles in the testing areas. These halls are also extremely expensive to produce which, due to economical reasons, reduces the chances of building halls of sufficient size to perform complete test programs.

AirDome (incluye accesorios) La AirDome se ha diseñado para aumentar la cantidad de aire alrededor del área de las raíces en el tiesto. Si dispone de instalación eléctrica en su invernadero, esta pequeña adición puede aumentar el rendimiento hasta un 130%.

Ha sido diseñado para aumentar la cantidad de aire alrededor de la zona de las raíces. El AirDome es el accesorio perfecto para los jardineros. Suzhou China Location No. The do­me has be­en opti­mi­zed for high mo­bi­li­ty, short se­t­up and di­sas­sem­b­le ti­mes, small pa­c­ka­ging si­ze, low weight and ea­se of use.

Our world-wide team with years of air dome industry experience can provide you with every service you need for your current air dome or future air dome project. From feasibility and business case analyses for potential dome projects to replacements and upgrades for aging domes, we do it all. Carcasa de recambio para cúpula de aireación AirDome. The AirDome is placed at the bottom of the pot, covered with the substrate of choice and then connected to an air pump.

To maximise the effectiveness of the AirDome use a fluffy mix such as a mixture of 50% good Coco Peat and 50% Perlite. En airdome kan anvendes som sæsonmæssig afskærmning for vejr og vin eller ganske enkelt som permanent hal. En airdome er en oppustelig hal, der holdes oppe af et overtryk inde i hallen.

Overtrykket leveres af blæsemotorer, der konstant blæser luft ind i hallen.

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